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Module Configuration

Adapt Nuxt Prepare to your needs with the following options in your nuxt.config.ts file:

// `nuxt.config.ts`
export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: ['nuxt-prepare'],

  prepare: {
    scripts: [
      // Add the prepare scripts you want to run

Parallel Script Execution

By default, prepare scripts are run in series. If you want to run them in parallel, set the parallel option to true:

// `nuxt.config.ts`
export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: ['nuxt-prepare'],

  prepare: {
    parallel: true

Type Declarations

interface PrepareScript {
  file: string
  runOnNuxtPrepare?: boolean

interface ModuleOptions {
   * Accepts a list of prepare scripts to run. The scripts are executed in the
   * order they are defined.
   * @remarks
   * You can omit the file extension. Supported extensions are: `.js`, `.mjs`, `.ts`.
   * @default ['server.prepare']
  scripts: string | string[] | PrepareScript | PrepareScript[]

   * If `true`, the prepare scripts will be run in parallel.
   * @remarks
   * This can be useful if you have multiple scripts that can be run independently.
   * @default false
  parallel?: boolean

   * If `true`, the module will not throw an error if a script fails.
   * @remarks
   * Ensure to add `ok: false` to your script's return value to indicate that
   * the script failed. Otherwise, the module will assume that the script
   * succeeded.
   * @default false
  continueOnError?: boolean

   * Whether the scripts should be run on `nuxi prepare`.
   * @remarks
   * If set to `false`, all scripts will be ignored when running `nuxi prepare`. If you want to
   * exclude specific scripts, use the object syntax for the `scripts` option and set the
   * `runOnNuxtPrepare` property individually for each script.
   * @default true
  runOnNuxtPrepare?: boolean

Released under the MIT License.